SMLC Ministries

worship assistants


Every Sunday a variety of worship assistants help make service happen. There are assistants who read the prayers and lessons, acolytes who light the candles, A/V operators who run the slideshow and operate the sound equipment, ushers who take the offering, and tellers who count the offering. We can always use new assistants and will train you in whatever role you’d like best. Our assistants typically serve one Sunday a month. If you have any interest in becoming a worship assistant please contact the operations manager.

Eucharistic Ministers

These caring members take Holy Communion to our shut-in members to let them know they are still a part of this Body of Christ. If you are interested in this ministry, talk to the pastor to set up a brief training session.


We Care Team

This group of individuals makes it their mission to lift others up in spirit at milestone events. So whether you’ve just visited St. Martin’s for worship, had a birthday, or were just baptized, you’ll likely receive a card in the mail from one of these team members. Interested in being part of the We Care Team? Email Jean Short.